Imagine.. by the end of this post, you’ll be able to get more eBook downloads, because you learned *few* unique things that will make anyone to download or buy your stuff.
We all need more email signup’s… at least, I never met a blogger who wanted less.
Email list is #1 element in earning passive income from your online businesses.
If you build it, they won’t come.
You have to work your butt off to get the most out of your email list.
Without much ado.. we will jump into the details.
Remove the barrier
Just ask their email address, nothing more.
You don’t need their names.
When you don’t find enough people signing up to your email list, asking their names is a waste of time.
Side note: Your conversion rates depend on the number of traffic visits you get each and everyday. If you get 1000 unique visits a day, your conversion rate is good if 5% of them are subscribing to you (i.e. 50 new email signup each day). If you don’t get enough traffic, try to improve the following things to get more signup’s.
Offer multiple signup opportunities
You don’t want to place the email optin forms just anywhere on your blogs. You must be placing them on those spots where you will get more visibility for your offer.
Place your email optin forms in 5 GOLDEN places. Here are the top 5 places where you can get more visibility.
- About page
- Top of the sidebar
- Landing page
- Footer
- End of each post
The more visibility you give to your email optin forms, the more conversion rates you will get on your email list. But make your email optin forms cute, no one likes mediocre design.
Don’t ask their email
This might seem counter-intuitive to the #1 point. But try this out, it WORKS.
And what if your main goal is to build an email list?
How can you build your email list without asking their emails?
You can always ask to subscribe to your list at the end of the eBook.
But does it work?
The people who enjoyed reading your eBook will be ready to give something to you in return. Ask them to subscribe to your list, if they really find it useful, they will do it. Simple as that.
Try these 1 minute tasks
1. Ask your friends to promote your eBook on Facebook. Facebook is a great asset for anyone who is doing online business, it has the ability to make things go viral in no time!
Note: Don’t take others help without helping them before (at least try to share their best posts with your network)
2. Change the headlines of your eBook (make it remarkable, try to come up with 1o to 15 headline ideas for your eBook)
3. Use twitter to promote your eBook (Just Retweet can help you get most out of it! It’s FREE btw)
4. Write a guest post and use a link to your eBook landing page
5. Use pay with a tweet option. This tip alone can do wonders to get more downloads.
Here’s how to implement step #5.
(i) Go to Pay with a tweet and click on “Create a pay button” Or simply go through this link
(ii) Fill all the required fields and you’re done!
Best alternative: If you find the above step problematic, install this WP plugin. It will do the rest.
Use landing pages
Landing pages are golden.
Because they give less distraction to the readers. If you have ONLY one goal on your landing page i.e. collecting emails from the visitors, you can get incredible conversion rates on your landing pages.
I’ve tried and tested many landing pages on my sites. They always gave me GREAT results.
If you’re wondering how to create landing pages for your sites, here are few ways.
Try OptimizePress. It’s the easiest way of creating the landing pages that convert. It’s worth every penny!
Or use this FREE WP plugin to create and improve your conversion rates of your landing pages.
Write a shareable post about your eBook RIGHT NOW!
There’s a reason for writing a DETAILED post about your eBook. The more promotion you give to your products, the less chances people have to skip.
Most bloggers who create and deliver free eBooks won’t do this. They don’t write any kind of article related to their eBooks or products.
That’s why they fail miserably to get more downloads.
Your job is not done when you create and giveaway your eBooks on your blogs.
Give STRONG reasons for people to download your eBooks.
Here are few tips to write a shareable post about your eBook or product.
- Give a sneak peek of your eBook (tell them what they are going to learn, you can include few chapters just like Amazon is doing to sell their books)
- Provide benefits (no one wants to waste their precious time in reading your eBooks, right?)
- Promote the hell out of it. Ask others to share your post.
- At the end of the post, give a link to your download page. You can use the link as many times as possible on the same page. But don’t try too hard!
Have you displayed your eBook cover?
Is your eBook cover design professionally designed??
Do you have the convincing headlines on it?
If not, it’s time for you to get this job done first.
There are few ways to creating an appealing eBook cover.
- You can design it by yourself for free (use my eCover maker, there are also paid versions in it)
- Or you can hire someone to design it professionally (you can use fiverr services, just for $5 you can get great designs)
Create urgency
What keeps your audience wake up at night?
How creating urgency can boost your eBook/product downloads?
The psychology behind getting more sales or downloads in less time is by creating a sense of urgency. Ask any elicit Internet marketer, he will tell you how important it is to create urgency among your readers/customers to boost sales.
How to create urgency to boost your eBook downloads then?
The #1 reason most online people don’t download or buy your stuff is this: they are LAZY. They procrastinate everything.
So you goal should be making them to take immediate action instead of making them to wait.
Are you getting me?
In one phrase, “give people a strong reason why they should download NOW, not tomorrow or next week.”
Bloggers like EXPENSIVE freebies
Now.. this sounds something coooool, right?
Let me tell you one thing.
Most people love to get expensive stuff.
Even if you are offering something for free, increase its value. You don’t need to brag about your products, but you can always put sounding price factor.
There’s a reason why Neil Patel is getting tons of email subscribers each and everyday. He puts a price factor that you’re going to get from his FREE stuff, that’s why he gets lots of attention.

Pro tip: Tweak the wordings of your CTA (Call To Action). Remove that awkward SUBSCRIBE button, instead use the wordings like “Grab your copy NOW!”, “Yes, let me in!” etc. to create curiosity among your readers.
What if nothing works?
There’s also a probability of not getting any downloads even after implementing the above steps (but it would be 0.0002% chance!!)
In that extremely rare case..
You need a new product or eBook which provides massive value.
There’s no reason for someone to download your stuff if it doesn’t offer any value.
Remember, online people are searching to solve their problems everywhere. If you can find and solve their problems.. it’d be a cakewalk for you to boos your sales or downloads.
Side note: I’m sorry for not updating LBT as frequently as it should be. I will be posting more often from now on. FYI, I’vent updated LBT more than 2 months now, I got tons of messages and emails for not updating it. Thanks so much for YOUR love on LBT. I’ll try to keep the same quality in future articles too.
Here’s a free gift for you for reading this article (share the post with others if you like it!)
Download Your Free eBook (just click on it, no signup’s are required!)
Hi Rahul,
I am too happy to be the one who published this post (only clicked on the publish button guys)
Now what I think about the post?
Nothing special to say, I don’t want to repeat all that you said and say, I agree with you Rahul
Just like your other pieces this one is also amazing, and too helpful for me
How did it help me?
you’ll get to know when I release my eBook
Again, great post
Glad that you hit the publish button on the post Nishant. It’s kinda unique way of promotion ;)
Thanks so much for the love bro. I’d be glad to see you here again and again. Ask me if you’ve any queries regarding the post.
Lucky you Nishant.
I’m jealous :P and more than that I’m Happy for you.
We already say You will be the Next Rahul Kuntala. ;)
All the Best Little Bro..and More to go..!! :)
God Bless you! :)
Hi Sugandha di
you people say that I will be the next Rahul Kuntala but actually there is only one Rahul Kuntala and there will always be one only
I would love to be called the first Nishant Arora :-D
BTW! Thanks a Lot
Nice post and Awesome eBook. I downloaded your book. thanks for sharing this book @Rahul and hope you will regularly update your blog :)
Thanks buddy. Even I’m trying to regularly update LBT.
Dear Rahul,
First of all, happy to see you back in LBT…Your loyal fans like me were yearning for weeks to see a killer post from you..
And you have struck gold once again with this amazing article on e-books. I haven’t created an e-book…Its just a RSS Subscription that I have..What do you suggest? Does the sane principle apply to RSS Subscription on we need to do something else.
Hi Rafi,
That’s a great compliment from you bro. I always had to fight with my laziness to publish the posts on few blogs. That’s the reason why I’vent updated LBT for a long long time.
If you want to build loyal readership, I’d suggest you to start building email list asap. And freebies are great to boost your subscription rates. About RSS? I never worried about them. They suck (my opinion).
But you can always apply the above tips to boost your RSS subscribers too.
Thanks for stopping by Rafi. Keep in touch!
After long Time New post Published. The Article Is really Good. and nice ebook bro. i have just seen pics and heading . i don’t read complete eBook. Thanks for sharing this book.
Hi Rahul,
Nice to have you back in actions :)
I guess it wasn’t me who was just about wondering where you had vanished or checking your blog, just in-case I had missed any posts. I’m glad your fan and readers got you back here, though I know you must’ve been working at something else, like the other few blogs that I’d visited earlier. It might just have been a break from LBT and that’s alright sometimes.
Coming to the topic of the post – I am simply going to bookmark this post :)
Why? Well, because I need to start working on my eBook now and no excuses I make are good enough, especially when I know it’s got to be done. Writing an eBook they say is easy, but it’s the promotion and the sales – and everything you mentioned that is the tough part. I’m glad I read your post to know more about the know-how of things now.
Thanks so much for sharing this informative post about how to get people to download an eBook and stay connected with you too, which is most important I feel as I’ve seen many people subscribe or download their copies and leave! But yes, those are always the free ones people offer on their blogs. Wishing you all the best, Rahul- with many more to come :)
Hi Harleena,
Always glad to see your comments here. I’m so glad to hear that you’re interested in reading my stuff. And I’m surprised to see that you didn’t start an eBook yet!
Come on Harleena, you’re kidding me ;)
Yea, I do agree that marketing the eBook or products is what makes your stuff go viral. If you’re writing for 100 people, it should reach at least 1000 people to spread your ideas (and it can be done only via smart marketing).
Thanks so much for the lovely comment Harleena.
Keep visiting the blog, cheers.
Hi Rahul ,
Glad to see a new post on LBT at last . I was craving for another post from the maestro . This is a great resource for those who want a ebook that converts .
I’ve never really written an e-book or even thought of writing one . But I do know one thing that after reading this post , I am confident that I can write my own e-book too .
Don’t you think that instead of forcing people to sign up for an e-book download , we can try a direct link . Yeah , Yeah ! I know , I am acting a fool as you’ve done it on the above post . But what’s the benefit of doing so ? If we get them to subscribe we can get leads which will turn into sales but what’s the benefit of giving away the direct link .
Don’t get me wrong , I am not greedy . But that wouldn’t even increase the traffic , would it ?
Hi Navneet,
First off, I’d like to suggest you to start writing an eBook asap. You can write on the topics where you’re more interested in. It’s also a great idea of writing a copy on solving your targeted audience problems.
Well, I didn’t get you properly in the second question. If you want to boost conversion rates, try to giveaway the stuff for free without asking even a link (and ask your readers to do a favor of subscribing to you or buying your affiliate products etc.).
If they find your copy valuable, they will return the favor :)
Let me know if you’ve any queries Navneet. I’d be glad to respond!
Hello Achu,
It’s Good to see LBT live again after so many days. Thank you so very much Sir Ji for updating this.
Hmm.. eBook,
I don’t know much about the eBook,
Simple, I haven’t created yet any but of course have downloaded many hehhe :P
What to say about the post you share I Really can’t find the appropriate words to describe. :P
The Above words are nothing now and don’t want to repeat it again and again..
Just simply One thing and I think you know that already
“You Always Teach me in many ways by our Chat, Your Blog or whatever you share on Facebook”
Just a request,
Never ever Stop this Please keep updating your blog, OUR INTERNET ;)
So, That we can learn something from you.
Thank you so very much Achu!
~Sugandha Oop’s Suggu :D
Great tips here. I am in the process of finishing up my e-book and currently writing my sales page with Optimise Press. This is really helpful to know what key elements should go into the sales page. Writing a guest post with a link to the book is a great idea, I hadn’t thought of that :-)
Hi Rahul – These are some great tips and at the right time for me, now that I launched my first ebook, I will definitely need some ways to promote the same.
I do have some in place already, havent yet thought about any landing pages, maybe a good idea to start one now.
Thanks for all the ideas.
Nice topic, what if we create an ebook and no one is downloading it. I think before creating an ebook we should promote it. And we can create a sample of few pages for getting the response of readers. This will be very helpful in deciding whether you should proceed or not. BTW nice post thanks for sharing it Rahul.
Howdy Rahul, It’s been a while since I last visited here (and since you lasted posted here). Hope you’re doing well.
Incredible piece of writing here, and some unique ways to increase the eBook downloads and optins. I believe that removing the barrier is a great idea, that’s something I thought of before, but you might know that I spent months in designing the optin form (playing with different codes everyday) and Mailchimp wasn’t letting me add just one form and ask for just EMAIL address.
I don’t offer too much signup opportunities. I use just two optin forms on my blog – one in sidebar and one in the community page (landing). The permalink of my landing page is so easy that I can insert to any blurb and direct my visitors to that page and grab their email.
I wrote two shareable posts after It’s launch, and the result were pretty amazing. First was all about to let my readers know about It’s launch where I gave some strong reasons to grab it, and second one was about the insiders view of how I launched it to help others to be serious and launch their first eBook.
Enjoyed reading it Rahul, looking forward to your upcoming articles.
Hello Rahul and others,
Well all the tips are amazing which made me motivated to work on a new ebook and try out all your tips :P
And yeah every blogger should provide an ebook at their blogs (this will act as a freebie). Which can be very useful for building email list.
Although twitter and creating banners will be an effective part for boosting our ebook downloads.
Hey Rahul,
You did a great Write up over here. So I just wanna add some few more points here…
In the point of urgency you can add Time counters like , Soon the free ebook will be no more available from tomorrow, Get your copy now or you can add limited download spots left. Countdown really effective in landing pages for sure.
One more thing in the subscription box , is this catching attention or not we need to check out. So for this heatmaps can be very helpful. So that you can do split testing and gets you better output at the end.
Give a reason why they should download the book :)
Last but not least add a stick widget in the website and it will grab attention more.
That’s all inputs from my end..
Cheers Rahul
This is my first comment over here :)
Yea, including a countdown timer increases the conversion rates for sure, but it has to be done in the premium products (Where we can get more leads within less time), I don’t think it works well in freebies.
A/B testing is undoubtedly the best way to boost subscription rates (visitor behavior can tell you how to do more better).
Thanks for the visit and comment Suresh :) Keep in touch.
I downloaded your book. thanks for sharing this book @Rahul and hope you will regularly update your blog
Thanks, you’ll be seeing frequent updates on the blog from now on :)
Hi rahul
nice post just finished downloading of this e book.
Now time to read your e book . Thanks for sharing …….. :)
You’ve done with some un usual tips to improve the E book downloads.
If there is some proved ways explained on the E book, 50% of people will eventually download it w/o any barriers and we should convince remaining people by the ways which you explained here.
Yea, I agree!
Hi Rahul, I love the pay with a Tweet idea! Thanks for sharing some great tips here on how to get more downloads of your eBook. I will have to look at my sign-up again and just do the email address as well. I published mine about a month ago and have not promoted enough. I hope to have a 2nd done by years end. Great post for us new eBook publishers :)
If you ask your fellow bloggers to review your ebook, then it can help a lot. A review by a prestigious blogger like Harsh from SML can get you more downloads than anything else.
Pay by share is gross in my opinion if its meant to be free after some shares ! It indicates that content may be not so vital to read and Author just needs attention, may be for other works ! :)
Its Really Awesome And helpful Tips, I read your full article and very happy to seeing your fans commenting on your blog. Really impressed me. I also become a fan of you Rahul Kuntala!
Nice post man! This tips can sure help me in boosting my ebooks sales i.e “Power of Hacking”
I downloaded your book. thanks for sharing this book @Rahul and hope you will regularly update your blog
Thr tips suggested by you Rahul were quite impressive. The five most visible places for subscribe option are quite handy and sure to get results. And thanks for providing the ebook. I downloaded your ebook. The content of the book is quite good and worthy.
Hi Rahul, I love the pay with a Tweet idea! Thanks for sharing some great tips here on how to get more downloads of your eBook. I will have to look at my sign-up again and just do the email address as well. I published mine about a month ago and have not promoted enough. I hope to have a 2nd done by years end. Great post for us new eBook publishers :)
Great tips here. I am in the process of finishing up my e-book and currently writing my sales page with Optimise Press. This is really helpful to know what key elements should go into the sales page. Writing a guest post with a link to the book is a great idea, I hadn’t thought of that :-)
Visited your blog after Years and found this wonderful article. The point i like most is- people love to purchase expensive items and they do not like cheap articles. This is the main reason people love to write exclusive offer as you have shown in quicksprout’s screenshot. Keep it up
Just woke up and read your comment (via email). You made my day. Thanks for stopping by Rakesh and keep visiting I’ll be posting more fresh articles from now on.
Hi Rahul,
Thanks for
sharing some great tips here on
how to get more downloads of your
eBook. I will have to look at my
sign-up again and just do the email
address as well. I published mine
about a month ago and have not
promoted enough.