Writing quality blog posts take time. I agree.
But it’s not always true.
With a proper technique you can create better blog posts in less time.
Here’s how the process goes to write an 800 words article in 25 minutes..
- Write headlines first
- Write at least 3 subheads for each headline
- Use distraction free writing tools
- Fill the subheads
- Introduction & end of the article next
- Repeat the process
1. Write headlines first
I actually store all the headline ideas in a separate folder called “headline ideas”. Whenever I’m in a mood to write, I simply open the folder and fill the details. This is by far the most effective way of writing faster blog posts.
If you want to write an 800 words article in 25 minutes – write headlines first.
Few people may disagree with me here about writing headlines first. No matter what their reasons are, here are the top reasons for writing headlines first.
- You’ll get an idea of what are you’re writing about (when you’ve headlines)
- You’ll write faster blog posts (read the complete post, you’ll agree)
- You can always tweak the headline later (most convincing reason)
So, how to come up with headline ideas?
The idea is so simple.
Here are two steps to follow.
Step 1: Create a folder called “Headline Ideas” in your PC RIGHT NOW (yea, go and create it NOW).
Step 2: Whenever you’re reading something on Internet (like reading this article), you’ll get some ideas about what to write. Simply write them into your folder using a notepad – and name it as “post titles”
How can get headline ideas while reading something??
For example, if you’re reading this article – you may get ideas like;
- How to Write A Productive Review that Sell In 30 Minutes
- Why Writing Long Posts Always Work
- How to Write Quality Posts In Less time?
- Why Shouldn’t You Care About Blog Post Length?
And the list goes on..
2. Subheads next
After having headline ideas in your “post titles” >> start writing sub heads to the very topic >> at least divide every post with 3 subheads
So you’re going to write min. of 3 subheads for every headline.
3. Use these essential tools
You need a pomodoro timer and zenwriter to get this done.
Start pomodoro timer
If you’re reading LBT for a couple of days, you must be aware of pomodoro timer.
Hello… did you remember pomodoro???
Okay here’s the short summary about pomodoro if you’re not aware of it.
It’s a great 25 minute technique that makes you more productive.
Here’s how pomodoro technique works..
Set the pomodoro (timer) to 25 minutes; work on the task until the timer rings; record with an x; take a short break (3-5 minutes).
Download Tomighty tool here (I personally use this timer)
After downloading the tool, here’s what you need to do;
- Go to your “headlines folder”
- Open “post titles” and pick your favorite headline among them
- Open zenwriter (download it here)
- Start pomodoro
- Now.. start writing
4. Fill the subheads
A blog post without subheads is “void”
I’ve never read a killer article without having sub heads. Sub headings are what makes your blog post look more appealing, and by breaking your content into sub heads – you can easily grab online readers attention.
Why using subheads is a MUST?
Here are few reasons..
- Easy to skim
- Easy to digest your meat of the post
- Easy to make a relevant comment on the post (without actually reading the entire post ;))
- Subheads give a sexy look to the entire post (crafting is the key to make any post go viral, agree?)
No matter either you’re writing a How to post or a list post – subheads can easily be used.
See, this post is the best example. This is actually a How to post, still I’m using subheads, because I know their importance.
5. Introduction & end of the article next
After completing the subheads, fill up the introduction lines and the end of the article.
Make sure you’re taking ‘extra’ time to write your first few lines. After all, your introduction is what hooks your audience immediately to read the entire post.
Take a 5 minute break
When the pomodoro tool, rings a bell after 25 minutes – you’ve to take a 5 minute break.
No matter how much you’re involved in writing.
I know this may look dumb in the beginning, but 5 min break can really boost your productivity.
What to do in the 5 min. break?
Come out of your room. Walk. Think about the post (what else can you add more to provide value to the readers – I usually get tons of ideas during the 5 min break)
After 5 minutes, go back to work.
Again start using the pomodoro.
Repeat the process until you’re done.
When you’re starting with this process, it might actually take 2 pomodoro cycles (50 minutes) to finish 800 words article (still, it’s not at all bad, right?)
Very soon, you’ll finish 800 words article in 1 iteration (i.e. 25 minutes).
That’s how this post is made ;)
[note]Here’s the preview of the very article (using the same process)
How to Create A 800 Words Article In 25 Minutes [Without Sacrificing the Quality]? (write headlines first, subheads next, start pomodoro timer, start filling the subheads first, introduction & end of the article next, take a 5 minute break and REPEAT)[/note]
Over to you:
Let me know if you’ve any difficulties in implementing this process. I’m still using the same process and getting tremendous results every time.
A simple homework for you:
Write a 800 word article using this process, use my contact form (or send a friend request to me on Facebook) – send me the link of the article after publishing it. I’ll consider leaving a thoughtful comment on it.
Hi Rahul,
India Pakistan method, Good way to grab attention of Readers :P, I think this is the best way to write an article, not only in 25 minutes, you can write awesome time consuming posts, sub headings really help to understand the post easily, many readers don’t have that much time to read the whole long post, so they can understand the Idea from sub headings..
Hi Nishant,
Haha ;) Hope you’ll implement them to write faster blog posts this time. Reading content is nothing when you don’t implement, I wish you’ll get good results..
Keep visiting the blog Nishant :)
Great ideas to create a post in few minutes. I like your home work too. Thanks for sharing n gonna try these tricks to write a blog post for my blog .. Let me try now n keep writing with new ideas for better blogging.
Let me know if you’ve any difficulties in implementing them Nirmala, I’ll be glad to help you! Keep in touch
Something innovative out here Rahul! I simply follow two things when writing an article/review (I have to write reviews regularly for PluginsWP.Net) –
1) Get Rid Of All The Tabs Except the post editor
2) Open 2-3 references to know about other’s thoughts on the topic I’m writing.
Sometimes, it just takes 15 minutes and sometimes stretches up-to an hour! But I guess I’ll start using that timer tool you suggested just to time myself.
Hi Raaj,
Let me know if you use any extra tips to write quality posts in less time Raaj, we all will be glad to know them from you.
Yes, using “one tab” method always works, but only few people can actually do that!
Thanks for stopping by, I always appreciate thoughtful comments like yours :)
Hie achu,
Another post on LBT deserves WOW!!!
I think more then post i should say “RAHUL KUNTALA is simply WOW”.
Really don’t know How to start but seriously buddy you rock!
May be you have written this post in just 25 minutes (not a small tym for 800 words post!) but you have really research this for hours (or days!) and this can be seen easily in your post (s) day by day. :)
Ah! I love the technique you used to grab readers’ attention “INDIA-PAKISTAN Method!” Even when i read i thought what was that :D but later i come to know! :D
As you said about 2 iterations(50+10) may be in starting i will take more then that but no matter “Patience is everything in blogging” so will surly try this technique of yours and previous also and will let you know also on Facebook!!
At last, Tools r all downloaded .. Folder is created by me.. all set! :D
Well, a very big Thanks to you!
Good Luck achu for your future!
~ Sugandha
Hi Suggu,
Thanks for the appreciation friend, I’m glad :)
I know you’ll implement them right after reading the stuff, be sure to consistent with what you do, you’ll surely get good results then. Thanks for the comment bud, keep visiting the blog, I’d be love to respond to you!
Really @Rahul Bro. it is great idea. Your post always helpful for every blogger and reader. Coz you give us. informative and valuable post. I like your post style always. when i will write a articles for my blog. I will do your tips. Thanks for sharing this post bro. :) keep it up and improve my blogging strategy.
Another Lovely article from you bro :)
Downloaded all the tools…going to try these..
You are awesome :)
Hi Praveen,
Do implement them, surely you’ll notice great results, keep in touch bud :)
Well Rahul I was shocked to see the third point “Apply India-Pakistan method” but at the end you just write this to grab the attention. I personally used to remember headings apart from whole lessons in the exams because I was very average student but I an sure that you are a very brilliant student.
Hi Raja,
That was my intention behind using that phrase, I think I’ve succeeded ;) Haha I’m not so brilliant in studies, and all the best for your exams buddy :) Keep in touch.
Awesome tips Rahul.
Its a boon for all the content writers and for those who either fears of updating their blog because of time constraints.
Rahul, Great idea. When you had mentioned 3rd point(Apply India-Pakistan Method) immediate thought was to read this method :) Good way to grab attention :) Good tips to follow for writing an article.
Yet another wonderfully written post Rahul. You certainly have some nifty tips and tricks up your sleeve and I definitely see that you’re a pro at what you do. Thanks for sharing this with the BizSugar community.
Hi Ti,
I really love your regular comments here on LBT, it really means a lot to me. You’re also doing pretty good job out there :) Thanks for stopping by!
Great tips to create a post in few minutes. But for me, writing a post takes more than 2 hour. (May be more than 3 hour). I think reason for it, is my poor English. :-( I spend a lot of time to translate to English what I want to say. :-D
Hey Rahul :P
Ouch… It seems you and I have the same strategy for writing quick posts. :-D Nice to hear!
Well, my method is bit different. I normally always do research and read different stuff on the web (generally, in forums, and Facebook / LinkedIn Groups).
While researching and reading stuff, I always push my mind to think about some ideas and titles for the posts. I have a word file in my Dropbox account (for portability, and mobility), and always write new headlines in the file.
After ending up with the research work, I normally opens the file and write the sub headings to always get ready with my posts.
So by following this strategy, I always have 10 to 15 posts pre-ready ;-)
Hi Hamza,
Ohh! you’re also using the same process, great minds always have similar thoughts ;)
Yea, I too research a lot, in fact, I spend most of my time on researching and personally implementing them and writing them here on LBT if I think they’re useful.
That’s really a great strategy you’re following Hamza. You’re already doing great on your blog, keep in touch.
The best blog post ever. Never thinking like you, so genius you know. Solving my problem at all time. No need to go another blog. Just stick it on your blog. By the way you’re totally right :D
Great advice Rahul!
Finalyy, I just found your blog went I read your post on other blogs.
Let me walk around for a while ;-)
Awesome tip mate
I tried this out
It was 1st tym so it took me 37 mins to write up 768 words
Hoping for a better one next time!! And a time saver!! ;)
Deleted my old blog couple of days ago and wanted to restart my blogging carrier freshly and get fully devoted to blogging and creating original content . I follow most of the method you mentioned but creating a catchy header is getting the most toughest thing for me. :(
Hi Rahul,
Really It’s not easy write an 800 words article in just 25 minutes. It’s seems after reading your article It may possible to write down 800 words article in such less time. Nice post and this point too “India-Pakistan method”.
Thanks for the post.
Nice title that you have given. Well, I think this is the simplest way of writing down an article within a stipulated time but for that we need to have a clear idea on the concept. I like the steps given. Thanks for the share!!
Interesting Rahul, that is the exact way I do every time I start a new blog post. But there is one interesting tip that I haven’t used is to use the timer. I really like your post and as you used your language in English post, people can definitely learn more about your language.
Thank you – Ferb
Haha..Nice..This post is literally very close to 800 words. I generally take around 45 minutes to write a 800 word article though, will have to improve on that it seems.
Simple but great!
but still not too clear about India-Pakistan method.
Maybe i’m malaysian… anyone can explain for me?
nice… I learned many things from your article but more from your way of writing, your language, how you engage people and yes, how you wrote nearly 800 word article…
Very well written article with clear explanation.really liked your post. good job bro..keep writing
Hi Rahul,
These are quite good points that one must keep in mind if you are going to write a lengthy article. Generally Speaking writing posts in fixed amount time will not be good always but as a blogger we do think about the time we spend for a post. After reading this post i have realized that I have never given a thought about the article structure.
Thanks for the informative post.
Pavan Kumar P.
Hey… Very nice post… Was helpful for me as i am new blogger… Was suggested by Lokesh… I ll try to implement this method… Thank You very much :-)
Do check my blog… and stay updated :)
wow, terrific strategy. I hate to rite articles, prefer to outsource it when possible :) I’ll try it, may be it will make article writing more bearable.
Hi Rahul,
I don’t write my article based on words or time.I don’t complete my article watching time ,Here i think 1 should work on qualtiy not time ,thats what i feel and do.I dont hit publish button till my article is not justified.Ya time managment is good but not for writing.
Thank You
Shorya Bist
From Youthofest
Above from shourya i read that quality matters not the time. I agree that quality matters and of-course
a lot. But when it comes to professional blogging quality writing becomes a habit and for time management you should learn new things. I liked the tools you suggested zenwriter i already use and now i’ve also started to use that timer.
A Big Thanks.
These are some really great tips for those who already know what they are going to write about, and they just need a system to get everything written faster.
I have a blog, however, where many posts require a lot of preparatory research. I’ve found that breaking the steps down and setting time limits for each task works pretty well.
Managing time with research and writing is really important. Thanks for the Tips, will try to implement them.
I am newbie blogger last 2 hours (without break) i am engaged with your blog .
i am sure this happens with every visitor to your blog.
you make my day good by giving valuable tips and new way of blogging.
I think this is really a wonderful article. This article is really a good inspiration for new bloggers. Thanks for sharing and wish you good luck.
bhai ab toh India vs Australia ki takkar dekhne me jyada maja aata he. And really great tips.
Hi Rahul,
A real and perfect plan to get started with.. I have done this thing yesterday and I only managed to write 600+ in 25 minutes.. But, one thing I always keep in mind while writing is just to beat the time.. And that’s what I am sharing with you..
Thanks! :)
damn these are very good techniques rahul..i actually read the entire post without skimming through content :) subheadings are really important, and i saw you broke a para into one liners so it became easy for me to digest…thx man! :)
Hey Rahul,
I generally feel myself in blogger’s block. I read a lot but when it comes to writing, I always get confused on what to write. Even when I write something it takes a lot of time to create a valuable post. I am going to try out your 25 minute method.
All the best and let me know the results :)
Great Post Rahul,
I like your idea to create a long post. This kind of posts are very useful.
thank you for sharing this important post.
Nikhil :)
Awesome, Rahul, your blog is really an inspiration, I’m also planning to quit my job and spend all my time on blogging,
Just downloaded your guide and followed you on twitter, I’m @rk1708
Its like I am gonna shout that “Lets Pomodoro” and Bazingaaaa I come up with something called an awesome post in just 25 minutes? That will be really cool enough.
Thank you so much for this. :) :P
Hy Rahul, to be frank even this 25 minute funda won’t work for me because sometimes there are people like me who find it a bit difficult to frame the proper statement in English.
Though I am definately imply this thing in my writing to atleast get an improvised result.
Thanks :)
Can’t believe it! For the 600-word content, I need to spend about an hour finishing. Your tips are great but unreal. I will try and will give you result later!