Interview: Top 3 Young Indian Bloggers Sharing Their Blogging Secrets

Before reading the post, download the free guide (worth $97) on how can you make $1,000 as a blogger starting from $0 – all in your spare time!

Every successful blogger has SOMETHING in common.

When it comes to blogging, the success rate will be very minimal, isn’t it?

Why only FEW people succeed in blogging? What kind of attitude do they have in common? How many hours do they work on their blogs?

Curious to know? Well me too!

Caution: Reading this lengthy interview (5,000+ words) without having a cup of coffee is dangerous to health ;)

Let me introduce the top 3 young Indian bloggers who shared their blogging success secrets to make money blogging.

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Interview: Gregory Ciotti Revealing His Guest Blogging Secrets

Do you want to land on top blogs in your niche through guest posts?

Then this post, sorry interview is for you!

Last time when I had an interview with Ileane Smith, it got over 100+ comments! That shows indirectly this blog readers are also alike me! So, I’ll be happy to conduct more in coming days.

Gregory ciotti interview

This time, the interview with Gregory on guest blogging secrets. Lets welcome Gregory Ciotty from SparringMind.

[note]Two cents about Gregory from my side: Your scrolling fingers should sore after reading his blog posts ;) He adds IMMENSE VALUE not only on his blog posts, but also on his guest posts. Don’t believe me? Check out his recent post(4500+ words)[/note]

Greg (short name) is the regular contributor of Problogger, DailyBlogTips, BufferApp, FamousBloggers etc. You can check out few of his guest posts here. Today he is going to reveal few of his guest blogging secrets with us. Ready?

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25 Blog Tips I Learned In Blogging

25 Blog Tips I Learned In Blogging

Note: This post is going to be bit lengthy (around 2700+ words), but I’m sure if you read the entire post, you’ll get immense value which you can use right away on your blog. Let’s dive in now..

What makes a blog more successful? Is it reading, better writing or promoting like hell?

None of this..

They were used to help you 10 years back. Not now and not any more..!

Then what requires to build a better blog?

Learning. Learning and observing from the popular blogs and great bloggers. Observation is the key to make your blog successful. The more you observe the better you can develop your blog. I have observed the following 25 blog tips which will surely help you.

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