Looking for an inspirational interview with Neil Patel? You’re in the right place.
Neil Patel is an expert when it comes to building profitable online businesses.
Neil Patel is the founder of multiple million-dollar online businesses like Kissmetrics and Crazy Egg. He also runs two more blogs called NeilPatel.com and Quicksprout both teach you how to get ahead in your business and improve your SEO.
The blogosphere is a busy place.. it’s really hard to get noticed.
It becomes even harder when you’re new to blogging with ZERO online reputation. Agree?
No one likes to read a blog that has NO VALUE and you can’t make a decent income from blogging without knowing *a few* things.
How about learning blog tips from successful bloggers who are earning millions of dollars each and every year?
So let’s dive into Neil Patel’s interview without much ado.
Neil Patel Interview On Building A Highly Profitable Online Business In 2023

First things first.
Who Is Neil Patel?

Imagine a person who hasn’t taken a holiday in over 10 years. Neil is one of those bloggers you will find all over the blogosphere dropping Internet marketing and conversion rates on avid readers.
Besides a blogger, SEO expert and investor.. Neil Patel is a great marketer who is very smart in closing deals at great revenue ($120,000 to $240,000). His major sites are Quick Sprout and KissMetrics, which talk about IM and conversion rates.
By the age of 21 not only was he named a top 100 blogger by Technorati, but he was also one of the top influencers on the web according to the Wall Street Journal. He has also been recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama.
1. How do you prioritize your day Neil? Do you have any productivity tips for those who work from home?
I have an assistant who helps me out. Here is my daily schedule.
My biggest productivity tip is to respond to emails once you open them. Never open them and then respond later as it slows things down.
Takeaway: Start with the MITs (Most Important Tasks) first. Time management is all about your priorities in life. Don’t open social media sites first thing in the morning, they can easily kill your productive time. Neil Patel starts his day by doing some physical exercises which keep him fresh and fit throughout the day.
2. What are the BEST moments of your blogging career? What’s your BIGGEST wish?
My best moments are always the ones where people say “thanks” or tell me how one of my blog posts has changed their life. My biggest wish is that I can continually help people for the rest of my life.
Takeaway: Do you think someone can succeed without the help of others? No, you can’t. Give generously, and you will benefit in kind, that’s how Neil became such a great emperor in the blogging world.
“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar said it best.
3. How do you find and solve customers’ problems? Do you have any specific tools?
There is no specific way or tool. More so it varies per problem. You just need to look for the most efficient and affordable way to solve a problem. Sometimes it’s easy to come up with solutions and other times it isn’t.
Takeaway: Solving your readers/customers problems is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Problems are part of life, if you want to become the BEST blogger in your niche, find and solve your readers’ problems.
4. How important is the “niche” for a successful blog?
Really important. Blogging has been around for years now and it’s difficult to pop up a generic blog like huffingtonpost.com and make it popular. You need to pick a niche as it’s easier to dominate.
Takeaway: I’m the firm believer of “niche blogging”, so I’m glad to see Neil back me on that belief. The smaller the audience, the stronger your standing. Instead of swimming in an ocean of sharks, sit in a kiddie pool by yourself – that’s how you’ll succeed in the crowded niche.
5. What are your tips to bring traffic to a new blog?
Funny enough, I just did a blog post that breaks this down.
Takeaway: When you have a new blog, all you need is: READERS, not traffic. No matter how much traffic you get to your blogs, it’s a waste of time if you don’t have loyal readership. Try to build a thriving community around your blogs to take your blogs to the next level.
6. What are the 3 blogs that you love most?
TechCrunch, Gigaom and Mixergy.
7. What is the secret of your online success, expressed in one word?
Hard work
Takeaway: Neil Patel does not attribute his success to talent, but says its due to his energy. That’s what you need to take your blog to the next level – HARD WORK!
8. What are THREE tips that you could give to a novice blogger?
- Write really good content.. so good that people will want to share it and even link to it. When creating good content, make sure you also make it look really good by hiring a good designer.
- Always be consistent – the worse way reduce your traffic is by not blogging on a regular basis. Whatever your blogging schedule is, stick to it.
- Create evergreen content – write on topics that don’t get old after a few days, weeks, months or even years. If you write content that provides value even years from now, you’ll continue to generate traffic in the long run.
Takeaway: The success secret behind building a blog that matters is, “create content worth sharing and be consistent”
Be sure to drop a line to Neil in the comments, or go to his website or say hello on Twitter.
Neil Patel Blog
Here’s the list of all the Neil Patel blogs.
- Neil Patel
- Quicksprout
- Crazy Egg
Neil Patel Podcast
Here’s the link to Neil Patel Podcast
Neil Patel Marketing
Here’s the list of Neil Patel Marketing tips;
- Often times in order to capture your dreams, it will require you to chase your fears.
- Don’t optimize for conversions, optimize for revenue.
- You can get bitter or you can get busy.
- If your friends don’t motivate and inspire you, you’re choosing them all wrong.
Neil Patel Age
Neil Patel’s age is 37 years. Neil Patel was born on 24 April 1985 in London, United Kingdom and he’s an Indian ethnicity.
Neil Patel Wife
Curious about finding out who’s Neil Patel wife is? Maria Mileaf is the wife of Neil Patel.
Neil Patel Income
So do you want to know Neil Patel’s income? Neil Patel net worth is around 10 to 12 million USD and he has over 15 years of success working in digital marketing.
Neil Patel House
Neil Patel currently lives in Seattle, Washington
Final thoughts about Neil Patel interview on building a profitable online business in 2023
If you’re someone who’s getting started online, hopefully, this Neil Patel interview helped you find some new insights. Do let us know if you’ve any questions in the comments below.
Hey Rahul,
How’re you man? ;)
It’s good to see you back again with some killer blog posts and interviews.
And I’m glad to know the answer of the biggest wish of Neil.
From where you got this idea?
Way to go!
Haha.. I’ll always be glad to include your thoughts Ammar :) Thanks for including that question on Facebook, long way to go bro!
Thanks for stopping by, keep in touch Ammar.
ya you are absolutely right about neil patel. he is the most successful entrepreneur in the blogging world. One day, i interact with him through twitter and that day is most valuable and most worthy time of my blogging career.
Great Interview Rahul…Neil is idol for many young bloggers.I liked the takeaway part.
It’s my responsibility to provide more value to LBT’s community, hope you enjoyed it :) Thanks for reading Vivek.
Hi Rahul,
It’s good to LBT Live again and Back with a BANG! ;)
Niel Patel what to say about this guy really Glad to know his answers and especially his wish.
This is really Interesting to know about him..
Even, This is what I learnt here “HELP” which works really well for me atleast.
Thanks for the Interview Rahul!! :)
Helping others to enhance their lives is what makes you a true legend in your field :)
Thanks for the comment Sugandha! Keep in touch.
Very proud to read this interview with Neil Patel, the energiest person who deserved. Not all get popularity among people as like Neil as he helped many top brands to find their own way to climb over the internet, I wish him to get more success in the online history.
Thanks for hosting wonderful interview.
Hi Rahul,
One of the best Interview I have ever read. Neil Patel is no doubt a great inspiration for all newbie bloggers. His Blog QuickSprout is one my most favorite blog, I read oftenly. His ideas are fresh and he really seems down to earth.
Awesome Interview overall, Worth reading and full of great information.
Great interview Rahul,
This is one unique interview as you have given your views after every answer and that’s just another cool thing.
Now you are writing more, I hope that I would see some new and awesome posts, as always, on your blog :)
Hello my friend Rahul how are you..? really I like U’r post keep in touch and thank you very much from INDONESIA.
Quicksprout is one of the very few blogs that I follows for essential blogging tips. I am regular reader of his blog as well as newsletter.
From starting of TechGYD, I am continuously following his tips, advice and experiments (sometimes). It made my blog’s ranking, visitors and SEO factor grow as like anything.
Thanks for sharing his interview with us :)
Hello Rahul ,
Good to see you back with awesome content . This interview gives me lots of inspiration . I hope Neil sees this comment some day . I am just like him . Even though instead of being the second Neil Patel , I want to be the first Navneet . I am starting out young and hope to be a successful entrepreneur some day . And Neil Patel was , is and will always be my biggest inspiration .
I don’t know how he built such a huge online presence but I’ll surely do that too one day .
’nuff of talking about my dreams coming back to the post , Rahul . I like the way you conveyed what you understood from his answers in the form of Takeaway .
I hope you didn’t mind me speaking about my dreams . I wanted Neil Patel to read this comment .
Anyways , Awesome Job Rahul..
keep up the good work
Navneet, I wish you could get a response from Neil.
Hi Rahul,
It’s nice welcoming you back. I’m simply glad you also interviewed Neil here.
That guy is simply a genius. So are you.
Neil is like my god,I follow him religiously
Awesome guy
Thanks for such a great interview.
Awesome and inspirational interview! He is no doubt a great inspiration for bloggers. Yes, indeed, hard work is the most important factor for success. Best wishes to Neil and good work by Rahul. Thanks for sharing and tweeted :)
Great interview and infographic.
I would Love to read more interviews like this on LBT.
Great Interview you have here Rahul,
Neil is a great guy that knows what he is doing, I usually enjoy reading his blog posts.
Hi Rahul,
It sure is wonderful to see Neil all over with these wonderful interviews – gives us more of a chance to learn from awesome bloggers like him :)
You covered up all the basic things in the questions you asked him, and I loved your take-away or the call to action after each of his answer, which added the much needed punch to each question too.
I know he’s too much of a workaholic if I can call him, and it’s amazing how he’s not taken a break for so long, which I don’t think is good if I may mention here. But such are the ways of successful people and they don’t take any break to achieve their goals…hmm…wonder if it’s the right or wrong thing to do.
I read on one of his blog posts how he spends his day and makes sure he replies to every email, which at that stage is pretty tough as you’re loaded with many people seeking help, and being the helpful person he is – it is amazing.
I liked his last 3 points for bloggers – creating consistent and good evergreen content IS the key, something that people would share on their own.
It’s not about how much he earns or what all he does, but the good person he actually is as he always tries to help people through his posts. I just wish he wouldn’t work so hard, and that too without a break. I did see his Google Hangout with Kristi and Jon, and the tiredness does show up, no matter what. I’d say you need to run for a long time, so take care Neil – just a friendly suggestion :)
Thanks for sharing this lovely interview with us, Rahul. Have a nice weekend :)
Too many people are dependent on Neil Patel, that’s the major reason why he is not able to take any break from the world. Moreover he might be enjoying his work, that’s why he is not worrying about the relaxation.
I personally wish Neil to take a break (a week or so) after 4 months (just like Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer does).
Harleena, thanks for your comment and sharing the interview with your network.
Great interview, Rahul. I’m a big fan of Neil Patel, so this was an interesting read!
I really like to explore how few people like Neil do it before entering into 30’s. May be I still have some time t enter into my 30’s so I will also surely make something unique and get interviewed like Neil.
@ Navneeth your comment reminds me of a TV ad which says he will be the next Obama and so on. But you are Navneeth you will be Navneeth not second Neil Patel. Hope you read this comment.
@ Rahul thanks to get you back and that too with a bang. I’ve been visiting for new articles and every time I came the same article “break some blogging rules” use to appear(nearly 2 months I guess). Suddenly today I am surprised to see two new articles and thanks for the eBook link on viral content.
He is success because he focused on solving the problems instead of focusing on reinventing the wheel. If the young bloggers like you and me have to learn something from Neil, it would be definitely focusing on improving others lives.
Yea, I’m also trying hard to post more often on LBT. You can see more updates from now on. Keep in touch Vijesh, I’ve read some of your posts just now, they are amazingly well (especially the “six figure income” one). Great going.
Thanks Rahul, hope to see more of you at LBT. So lets focus on solving others problems as well as ours.
Hi Rahul,
Nice Interview with Neil. Just now i am heard about this person. I saw his blogs, really superb. How they are earning more money through online, i don’t know. I think, it’s a “Billion Dollar Secret”.
This interview is very inspiring for first time bloggers like me. Before this I thought people blogged as a hobby and you don’t need to have schedules. But this interview, shows that you can’t play around. This is serious tips that Niel put in, Design, consistency and evergreen content. I feel like a kid in front of these giants of Kingdom Blog.
Good Interview Rahul.
I would Thank Niel too for sharing.
I happy to Find LBT.
Hey bro, I am new to blogging and have been following your blog for the last 2 months. I want to build some quick backlinks for my blog. Kindly help a novice blogger to build some backlinks. I have subscribed to your blog and would like to know your views. My blog is not getting indexed in google.
Thanks you Rahul you just delivered what i want to see for many weeks, an awesome Neil Patel’s interview.
This interview has cleared lots of my misconceptions because this article is enriched with experience and hard work so advice worth lot which you and Neil had given to readers.
Thanks for the appreciation buddy! Keep in touch :)
This interview is on point. I enjoyed every moment of reading it.
Really a very loving and motivating interview share. I really got several new ideas after reading your post.
And will surely try to implement them in my blogging journey. Thanks
Keep sharing!!!
Wow, It’s really interesting when we read success stories. I already read many posts of Neil patel. Anyway the question and answer of #8 can really help new bloggers. Thank you.
Hello Rahul,
Excellent interview, I noted some of the points from this interview to follow i guess. And yeah hard work is the key of success which is reminded by Neil.
The whole interview was very interesting to read, i hope i would follow his tips.
Hi rahul,
This is really inspirational interview. The tips he has provided is really good espically point 3. I read your ebook also that was outstanding . I have learn many things for that. Thanks bro for sharing such a nice ebooks and this interview.
Great Interview. You are amazing Rahul, doing Extra-Ordinary work, Really impressed with your work. All the best.
I had not really heard of Neil before this post, but seems like a big online influence, I usually look for interviews from big time bloggers when I am feeling down about blogging, these interviews usually show the humble beginnings of the great bloggers, which is good to know :)
I really enjoy this interview and you come back with so many new great updates. It’s amazing to see bloggers earn their income like Neil Patel and one day you get over him for sure.
I always read Neil’s post , no doubt they are fantastic…but the way you have expressed him in your post is way more than that..I am a first time visitor to your site..And I think it will go a way long..Congrats man ! you write superb :)
Neil himself had gone with the bad times in his profession. Lastly he succeed as “Winners never quit”,Quiters never wins”
That’s an awesome Interview Rahul :)
It will really help me get some inspiration and tips :D
Thanks for it man!
Great interview. Neil Patel is a great inspiration for me. His SEO tips are really useful.
Hey Rahul, Nice article. Silly but true that I was completely unaware of Neil. Your interview with him energized me. The best answer from Neil was regarding his wish. Enjoyed Reading the interview.
Great interview Rahul, your blog really inspired me to do another interview with Neil Patel. I was really happy to get time from his busy schedule.
My interview with Neil Patel @ http://www.techwyse.com/blog/interviews/interview-with-neil-patel/
Hope you will find this useful. Thanks!
Thank you rahul for this interview , Neil patel is very nice and helping guy i am regular leader of his site quicksprout.
Great Interview pal!
Every blogger must go through these tips from Neil Patel. It would surely reap benefits.
Great interview of Neil Patel you got here Rahul! I’m glad I stumbled on it today. Thanks! :)
Hello Rahul,
Excellent interview, I noted some of the points from this interview to follow i guess. And yeah hard work is the key of success which is reminded by Neil.
The whole interview was very interesting to read, i hope i would follow his tips.
Thanks for doing this interview Rahul! Whatever we know of Neil or his strategies is never enough because he comes up with great stuff every time. I like the ‘Takeaway’ parts of the interview. Actionable!
Recently, even I did an interview with Neil Patel where he spoke about inspiration and learnings from Nutrition Secrets blog, marketing newer ventures, content marketing for startups, and channels for app discovery.
For some reason I am not able to post a link in the comment. But you can always check it on Arkenea’s blog in interview section.
Hope the readers will get some more insights from this read!
Such a great post Rahul.
My question for Neil.
I am looking at getting into consulting, especially in the area of ‘Leadership’ in business (the main topic of my MBA) and looking at progressing with a PhD. My problem is that I am worried that companies are not going to take me seriously as I am fairly young (22) and because I don’t have years of leadership experience under my belt they might get the impression I am lacking the knowledge.
If I take anything from your interview here, it is that if you are motivated enough, you are far more likely to succeed with your ventures.
My main question is, “when starting out consulting on SEO, how did you get ‘your foot in the door’ so to speak.”
Any detail on this would be extremely useful to me.
Really nice interview – Neil is kind of a big deal!
I am really inspired from this man. You have revealed a lot of info about Neil.
“Neil’s Success Secret: Hard Work” I love this line. Hard work is the thing that takes a jobless to million dollars.
Anyhow, Thanks for posting.